Phil Hagelberg
2013-08-09 03:28:18 UTC
Hello everyone.
I'm happy to announce the release of Leiningen version 2.3.0. This
version contains mostly minor fixes, but some highlights include faster
test runs when using selectors (by skipping fixtures), better support
for detecting ambiguous version resolutions via :pedantic, and fixes to
better isolate different profiles in different :target-paths.
* Add `:eval-in :pprint` for debugging. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Support cleaning extra dirs with `:clean-targets`. (Yoshinori Kohyama)
* Test-selectors skip fixtures too, not just running tests. (Gary Fredericks)
* Place licenses and readmes into jars. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Include LICENSE as separate file in templates. (Wolodja Wentland)
* Allow aborting on ambiguous version resolution with `:pedantic`. (Nelson Morris, Phil Hagelberg)
* Scope `:compile-path` and `:native-path` under profile-specific target dir. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Fix bug where uberjar filename would include provided profile. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Deprecate explicit `self-install` command. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Fix bugs around long lines in jar manifests. (Leon Barrett)
* Support nested checkout dependencies. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Fix bugs around `:filespecs`. (Jean Niklas L'orange)
As usual, you can get the latest version by running `lein upgrade`.
Thanks to all the contributors who helped make this happen.
happy hacking,
I'm happy to announce the release of Leiningen version 2.3.0. This
version contains mostly minor fixes, but some highlights include faster
test runs when using selectors (by skipping fixtures), better support
for detecting ambiguous version resolutions via :pedantic, and fixes to
better isolate different profiles in different :target-paths.
* Add `:eval-in :pprint` for debugging. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Support cleaning extra dirs with `:clean-targets`. (Yoshinori Kohyama)
* Test-selectors skip fixtures too, not just running tests. (Gary Fredericks)
* Place licenses and readmes into jars. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Include LICENSE as separate file in templates. (Wolodja Wentland)
* Allow aborting on ambiguous version resolution with `:pedantic`. (Nelson Morris, Phil Hagelberg)
* Scope `:compile-path` and `:native-path` under profile-specific target dir. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Fix bug where uberjar filename would include provided profile. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Deprecate explicit `self-install` command. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Fix bugs around long lines in jar manifests. (Leon Barrett)
* Support nested checkout dependencies. (Phil Hagelberg)
* Fix bugs around `:filespecs`. (Jean Niklas L'orange)
As usual, you can get the latest version by running `lein upgrade`.
Thanks to all the contributors who helped make this happen.
happy hacking,